
Annecy - Journées Nationales 2008

Psychiatrist’s involvement

Psychiatrists’ involvement is the core of their practice, beyond all forms that their act may take and all theories that underline it.

Psychiatrists’ involvement in supporting their practice is often described as a resistance to changing and even as archaism.

What is this involvement about finally ?

This is the issue we wish to examine during this National Convention, with the psychiatrists and the various actors of the psychiatry field.

How does psychiatrists’ involvement take shape ?

First of all it is a clinical involvement where the patient is considered as a particular subject and not as a mere object for scientific study. A first involvement implying that we constantly question our theoretical references and maintain a permanent inventiveness in our practice. How could we report on this inventiveness when its appropriateness is only measured afterwards ?

It is also an involvement in the professional field with the purpose to make our practices live and be known. How can we guarantee the conditions of said practices and, above all, how can we make sure that this know-how is transmitted ?

It is again an involvement in the society where the psychiatrist, who has been invited since a long time to designate madness and protect the social body from it, remains the patients’ best « defender». How do psychiatrists succeed in meeting the seemingly paradoxical terms of this dual involvement ?

Finally it is an involvement in the city for psychiatry actors are among those who are in the best position to drive out the new forms of alienation of the ready-to-use speeches.

Could the involvement in the face of the prevailing speech be an introduction to psychiatry ?