
Dinan - Journées Nationales 2010

Transmitting: hazard and necessity

Constantly we are crossed through by views that deliver, beyond us, complex and often unknown legacies and, whether we know it or not, we actually take part in this transmission.


So the necessity and the difficulty to transmit do exist anyway, whatever it deals with being, possessing, meaning, living, knowing, experiencing, feeling… and during this 39th National Convention of AFPEP (French Association of Psychiatrists in Private Practice), we will examine this desire to transmit and to learn.


Transmitting a practice, a know-how, could be a way to define that which brings us together, starting from our differences.


As usual during these Days, we will widen our horizon to other approaches contained in this word, the transmission between patients and their psychiatrists, between patients and their general practitioners, between the various professionals, between generations… thus considering transmission not only as a inheritance but first as something to share. We will also speak about transmission when it seems impossible (transmitting is also transmitting what is impossible to transmit) and the transmission that we do unintentionally, about our family, property or genetic history, our small or great history too.


We hope that these Days will take us right to what we share as essential between us, young and elder ones, hence our privileged partnership with our friends from the Association Fédérative de Formation des Etudiants en Psychiatrie (Federative Association for Training of Students in Psychiatry).